Tradewind Provides $1 Million Export Factoring Facility to Auto Parts Trading Company Based in China

Tradewind has announced the closing of a $1 million post shipment finance facility for an international trading company based in China that specializes in the import and export of auto parts. Through its arrangement with Tradewind, the company received the liquidity it needed to support both open account terms requested by its overseas buyers and payment before delivery sought out by its suppliers. The company sells mostly to customers in Europe and the US and, with Tradewind’s assistance, was able to take on larger orders and compete for bigger buyers. 

The client approached Tradewind to replenish its cash flow after it had purchased goods from Chinese suppliers but was still waiting on payment from buyers abroad. As automated production lines replace manual labor in the auto parts industry, factories are pressured to meet these new operating expenses and therefore demand a short turnaround in payment from their customers. On the other hand, with more options available in the market, foreign buyers expect not only higher quality products and better prices but also longer payment terms. Consequently, the overlap in payment cycles caused a liquidity crunch that stagnated the client’s growth because, as a trader, it relies heavily on cash.

With office locations in China, Tradewind provided liquidity readily to the client and removed the financial burden placed on its shareholders, whose capital the company solely depended on for investment purposes. Tradewind’s financing package also includes credit protection, which enabled the client to feel more secure in case of buyer insolvency.

“We are pleased to onboard companies like this whose prominence in the international marketplace requires flexible payment terms for both its buyers and suppliers. We are happy to see that Tradewind’s cash flow solutions provided the necessary liquidity for the client to stay competitive in the global auto parts industry,” says Alex Li, Country Manager of Tradewind China.

Tradewind provides innovative international cash flow solutions tailored for global clients. Focused on the mid-market, its core products are non-recourse factoring and supply chain finance. The group has built an unrivaled reputation for the depth of its international finance expertise by maintaining a network of offices around the world including the USA, China, India, Hong Kong, UAE, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iceland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Peru and its headquarters in Germany. Combining financing, credit protection, and collections into a single trade finance facility, Tradewind offers streamlined, flexible and best-in-class services.

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*本文发表于2024年4月24日,刊登于《企业财资人》(Corporate Treasurer),作者Ryan Li 摘要:该融资机制有助于解决国际贸易中的缺口,更注重海外买家而非供应商的信用状况。 德益世国际保理在本月初宣布,已与越南一家海鲜冻品生产商签订出口保理融资协议,额度为150万美元,为出口商提供额外流动资金和出口发票融资。这家贸易融资供应商总部位于德国。 这种融资机制帮助供应商在买家支付发票之前锁定现金,提供流动性和灵活性,否则只能依赖应收账款。 据4月10日发布的新闻稿,越南“领先的鱼类供应商”成功释放大量被困于应收账款的现金流,并满怀信心地实现买家组合多样化。 新闻稿称:“灵活的财务安排协助出口商消除了未付发票方面的瓶颈,使其能扩大经营、抓住增长机会,为下一阶段在全球市场的增长奠定基础。” 据越南水产加工和出口协会(VASEP),2024年第一季度该国海产品出口额接近20亿美元,同比增长8%。美国、日本和中国是最大的买家。预计今年该国海产品出口额将达到95亿美元。 这一协会表示,该行业一直面临供过于求、库存高企和价格下跌等挑战。金融机构的融资可以帮助解决这一问题。 发票融资 因为新兴市场被认为风险较高,大型银行在为其提供融资方面相对保守。亚洲开发银行(ADB)披露,全球贸易融资缺口达到2.5万亿美元。国际金融公司(IFC)全球总监Nathalie