Tradewind Finance Enters Bunkering Industry; Factoring a Natural Fit for the Cash-Intensive Sector

Tradewind Finance, an international trade finance firm with headquarters in Germany, has successfully entered the bunker market, delivering a USD 2 million credit facility for an international bunker trader.

What is bunkering?

Bunkering, or the process of replenishing a ship’s fuel supply, is an essential activity when it comes to maritime travel. It also goes hand in hand with the movement of goods around the world, ninety percent of which are shipped by sea to a given destination.

The bunkering process involves the transfer of fuel oil from a truck or barge into the fuel tanks of a ship typically stationed in or near a port. Safety protocols, ship-to-ship coordination, and precise measurement and transfer techniques all play a part in successful bunkering operations. These steps are taken to avoid the risk of an oil spill, or a client-supplier dispute arising from discrepancies in agreed-upon fuel amounts.

Cash is key

The bunkering business is marked by low margins and high volumes. To be profitable, therefore, requires maximizing fuel sales to marine customers. On top of the quantities that must be sold to generate profit, the crucial function of cash in the industry is noteworthy.

In the article titled, “Taking the Pledge”, by Mathias Steinø that appears in the April/May 2017 edition of Bunkerspot magazine, the importance of liquidity for a bunkering enterprise is stressed: “Supplying bunkers is a heavily cash intensive business. Access to cash is essential for bunker suppliers, and any bunker supplier who loses his creditworthiness may quickly face the risk of bankruptcy.”

In the case of Tradewind’s new bunker client, factoring is a natural fit for their oil operation. Designed to increase cash flow, factoring makes it possible for the bunker broker to access the capital to trade high volumes of fuel, allowing it, in turn, to increase margins.

A spokesman from Tradewind commented on the new financing relationship: “We are proud to provide a factoring solution for our new client, enabling them to expand their customer base using the additional cash flow from the facility. With the facility in place, our client can concentrate on growth, knowing their invoice collection is covered, and does not have to wait long periods for their buyers to pay. Factoring with Tradewind has taken care of this. Other bunker traders are currently looking very closely at using these factoring facilities, so we are excited at the prospect of expanding more in the bunkering business.’’

Benefits of Factoring for Bunkering Businesses

For bunker companies and others outside the industry that are involved in B2B transactions, access to cash is precisely – and conveniently – what trade finance is designed to provide. The working capital support allows companies to stay more than afloat and finance their growth aspirations. According to the World Trade Organization, an estimated 80 to 90 percent of world trade depends on trade finance. Although businesses of all sizes, including large corporations, utilize trade finance for cash flow optimization, the service can be particularly valuable for businesses that are small and medium in size and do not qualify for traditional bank loans.

In performing the trade finance service known as factoring, Tradewind, as the financial intermediary, buys a company’s receivables and can advance them up to 95% of the invoice value upfront, in cash, typically within just a short matter of days. This quick injection of liquidity enables suppliers to meet their short-term capital needs and pursue faster growth.

In today’s transactions, sales are often made on credit terms where payment is due from a buyer up to three months after an invoice is issued. One of the major benefits of factoring is that a company can receive payment right away; Tradewind, the financial intermediary, is then in charge of collecting payment from the customer upon invoice maturity. Without having to wait for payment, and with accounts receivable management taken off their plate, a company can focus on their core business, pay employees and vendors on time, and scale up their operations.

The Upshot

Whether delivering goods to a global destination or returning to the port of origin, refueling through a bunkering arrangement enables seaborne transportation – and all the things that depend on it – to be possible.

The global bunker market is due to increase to USD 240 billion by 2031. Tradewind is proud to have made their foray into this cash-intensive industry, where their solutions seamlessly increase cash flow for brokers and traders in oil who use the added liquidity to improve their margins.

About Tradewind Finance

Founded in 2000, Tradewind Finance maintains a network of offices all over the world, including Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, India, Pakistan, Peru, Turkey, UAE, and the USA as well as the headquarters in Germany. Combining financing, credit protection, and collections into a single suite of trade finance products, Tradewind brings streamlined, flexible, and best-in-class services to the world’s exporters and importers.

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受益于新时代的非银金融公司和银行提供的便捷金融援助,全球中小微企业正在攀登通往成功的阶梯。 金融援助旨在帮助企业优化现金流,应对市场波动和其他挑战,并抓住每一个发展机遇,在竞争激烈的行业中蓬勃发展。在出口领域中,当今推动中小微企业发展的两个最重要的融资工具是出口发票保理和出口发票贴现。外贸企业可以通过这些关键辅助工具,为应对财务挑战做好充分准备。 对于需要即时财务解决方案以优化现金流的外贸企业,出口发票保理和出口发票贴现都有多种优势。然而,企业在选择时往往面临困境,因为二者有相似之处;例如,这两种融资方式都利用发票来提高流动性。 熟悉出口发票保理和出口发票贴现之间的区别,有助于出口企业根据自身财务状况、信用记录和即时需求做出明智决策。在决定融资方案之前,了解每种方案的具体目的以及它们之间的区别非常重要。本文我们将探讨出口发票保理和出口发票贴现之间的主要区别。 出口发票保理与出口发票贴现的主要区别 在深入探讨二者区别之前,让我们先从贸易融资中的出口发票保理开始,仔细研究这两种融资方式。出口发票保理又称出口应收账款保理,是一种融资安排,即企业将未结清的发票出售给第三方国际保理公司。 作为回报,出口企业能立即收到现金,通常是发票价值的70%-90%,并在海外客户付款之后获得剩余金额(扣除费用)。出口保理公司负责在发票到期时向客户收款。这种方法可以帮助出口企业弥补因延迟付款造成的现金流缺口,满足即时财务需求。 出口发票贴现同样是一种融资安排,出口企业将发票作为抵押品,获得短期贷款,之后必须偿还。在出口发票融资安排中,金融中介机构会预付发票金额的大部分(高达95%)。当海外买家在发票到期时付款,企业再向融资方付款。 出口发票保理和出口发票贴现的主要区别在于收款流程。在出口发票保理业务中,出口保理公司负责收款。这涉及核实发票、信用控制和债务追偿等任务。这使企业能专注于创收而非行政管理任务。在出口发票贴现中,出口企业必须负责收款,与客户维持良好关系,同时确保改善现金流。 就资格而言,出口发票保理业务是中小企业(包括信用记录有限的企业)更为理想的解决方案。出口保理公司的决策主要基于出口商海外买家的信誉度,因为他们才是付款方。发票贴现则适用于有经常性发票且需要大量资金的企业。 另一个重要区别与保密程度有关。在出口发票保理业务中,海外买家知道出口保理公司参与了付款过程。这种透明度并不总是有利于出口商,因为它可能引起客户对出口商财务稳定性的担忧。 而出口发票贴现是一种保密安排,客户不知道外贸企业与贷款人之间的财务安排。这对于优先考虑与客户保持稳固关系的企业而言是一种优势。


国际贸易融资行业为企业提供了全球扩张的机会。对各行各业而言,这些增长机会也伴随着一系列挑战。在参与国际贸易时,外贸企业往往面临与付款条件、信用风险和现金流管理相关的复杂问题。 这正是福费廷业务发挥重要作用之处。它是一种金融工具,能为参与国际贸易的企业带来一系列好处。从更好地降低信用风险,到进入全球市场并实现竞争优势,福费廷在支持出口增长和改善金融稳定性方面发挥着关键作用。 福费廷是什么? 福费廷(Forfaiting)是一种国际贸易融资方式,主要用于出口商的应收账款融资。其特点是出口商将未来的应收账款出售给金融机构,以换取即期现金。这种方式帮助出口商解决了资金流动问题,并将信用风险转移给了金融机构。 福费廷的类型包括贴现福费廷(discount forfaiting)、无追索权福费廷(without recourse forfaiting)、有追索权福费廷(with recourse forfaiting)、固定利率福费廷(fixed-rate forfaiting),以及浮动利率福费廷(floating-rate forfaiting)。本文我们将探讨福费廷的好处和流程。