Tradewind Announces $3 Million Supply Chain Finance Facility for Leading Garment Sourcing Company in Bangladesh

Tradewind has closed a $3 million supply chain finance facility for a reputed garment trading company based in Bangladesh that sources clothing items domestically from more than 20 factories and exports to Europe, the USA, Australia and Asia. The facility is being used to help increase sales and support open account payment terms in growing demand from overseas buyers.   

In the financing arrangement, Tradewind purchased the invoices of the company and advanced funds to them. Rather than having to wait an extended period to receive payment from the buyer, the company was provided quick access to capital, which strengthened their balance sheet and played a vital role in increasing their revenue. By using Tradewind’s services, the garment company can now also pay the factories they source from sooner than they had done so previously.

As part of the arrangement, Tradewind is able to finance sales on 15-120 days open account payment terms, which positions the garment trader to work with a broader and more diverse customer base. The facility enables the company to accept any payment terms from buyers, without impairing cash flow, and meet its working capital requirement. By providing a non-recourse financing facility, Tradewind eliminates all credit risk and guarantees payment in the case of buyer insolvency.

“It was a pleasure working closely alongside our client to tailor the right financing solution that was able to improve liquidity along the supply chain. We are proud to help apparel companies in Bangladesh like our client with the working capital solutions they need to achieve growth, and are honored to have earned such a solid reputation in the community for our services,” states Soheil Zali, Country Manager of Tradewind Bangladesh.

Tradewind (formerly DS-Concept) provides innovative international cash flow solutions tailored for global clients. Focused on the mid-market, its core products are non-recourse factoring and supply chain finance. The group has built an unrivaled reputation for the depth of its international finance expertise by maintaining a network of offices around the world including the USA, China, India, Hong Kong, UAE, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iceland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Peru and its headquarters in Germany. Combining financing, credit protection, and collections into a single trade finance facility, Tradewind offers streamlined, flexible and best-in-class services.

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德益世国际保理是一家国际贸易融资公司,为外贸企业提供能改善现金流的解决方案。2024年7月11日,我们很高兴于印度金融之都孟买为业务代理合作伙伴举办一场特别聚会。此次活动汇聚了来自其他金融公司、金融科技公司、金融咨询公司和信用保险公司的业内人士。 此次活动成功加强了德益世与其尊贵合作伙伴之间的业务关系,在为印度各地的制造商、出口商、中小企业和其他企业提供可靠流动资金的机会开发方面,这些合作伙伴发挥了重要作用。通过携手努力,德益世及合作伙伴能够为客户量身定制合适的融资方案,以实现增长并安全地参与国际贸易。 本次聚会在BKC的Lyla Bombay举行,来宾与贸易融资领域的同行建立联系并交换见解。德益世团队还与合作伙伴共同探索新的商业机会,努力扩大对印度出口商的出口融资支持。 “多年来,我们一直为印度企业主提供量身定制的出口融资服务,使他们能顺利开展跨境贸易。通过调整战略,我们将继续致力于为印度出口商和该地区的其他企业服务,”德益世Soheil Zali表示。 德益世再次感谢合作伙伴的参与和一直以来的支持。通过这些联系,客户最终能够将资金释放用于发展和增长,并实现更为顺畅的国际贸易。 关于德益世 德益世国际保理成立于2000年。集团总部在德国,在孟加拉、巴西、保加利亚、中国内地、中国香港、匈牙利、印度、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、土耳其、阿联酋和美国等地设有办事处和分支机构,网点遍布全球。德益世将融资、信保和收款融入一套贸易融资产品,为全球出口商和进口商带来精简、灵活和一流的服务。 我们专注于从事以赊销、信用证和跟单托收形式结算的跨境交易。我们基于贵公司的应收账款,向您提供高达发票总价值95%的预付款,为您解决短期现金流问题。除了出口保理,我们还能为您整个供应链融资。


在国际贸易的动态格局中,全球的出口商在优化现金流方面往往面临某些挑战。出口票据贴现(export bill discounting)是出口商进行有效财务规划的强大工具。这种战略性财务方法通过释放未付发票的价值,让出口商迅速获取急需的现金。 本文我们将深入分析出口票据贴现的概念,探讨出口商利用出口票据贴现策略的多种方法,并强调财务规划的主要优势。 利用出口票据贴现策略 出口票据贴现也被称为出口发票贴现或应收账款贴现,通过这种金融安排,企业可以将发票或应收账款以折扣价出售给第三方金融机构。金融机构(通常是银行或专业融资公司)会向出口商预付发票价值的一定比例,提供即时流动资金。 动态贴现: 为更快获得付款,供应商请求买家提前付款,并提供一定比例的折扣,这就是动态贴现策略。出口商可以根据发票面额提供一定折扣,从而激励买家及时付款。这种策略可以加强与买家的关系,加速现金流动,并减少对外部融资的依赖。 批量贴现: 批量贴现策略是指出口商将多张发票打包并作为整体交给金融公司贴现。这种方法能带来更优惠的条款和利率,尤其是在处理大量发票时。出口商能借此谈到更优惠的条件,简化贴现流程并优化融资成本。 可选性发票贴现: 可选性发票贴现指的是出口商根据即时现金流需求,选择特定发票进行贴现。这种策略无需将所有发票进行贴现,因此更具灵活性和成本效益。通过选择符合财务需求的发票,出口商可以战略性管理现金流,从而最大限度降低总体融资成本。


我们很高兴出席于6月28日举行的上海市商业保理同业公会2024年上半年理事会及专题分享会议。本次活动在上海举办,吸引了当地主要业内参与者,为建立联系和交流知识创造了宝贵平台。 德益世国际保理 远东区域行政总裁Dickson Au在会议中发表演讲,演讲内容丰富且引人入胜。他深入浅出地介绍了跨境保理业务在国内的常见场景和业务模式。Dickson通过案例分析,有效强调了量身定做的出口保理 解决方案的实际应用和优势。 在演讲中,他还强调了与德益世这类国际保理公司合作的突出优势。这些优势包括改善性替代融资方案、为日常运营提供随时可用的流动资金,以及降低国际贸易风险。Dickson指出,国际保理公司能带来丰富的全球经验和更广阔的视角,令当地外贸企业受益匪浅。此外,他还讨论了出口保理商与当地银行之间的合作模式,以加强对出口企业的支持。 关于德益世: 德益世国际保理专注于从事以赊销、信用证和跟单托收形式结算的跨境交易。我们基于贵公司的应收账款,向您提供高达发票总价值95%的预付款,为您解决短期现金流问题。除了出口保理,我们还能为您整个供应链融资。 我们的全球供应链融资计划可支持基于应付账款、应收账款和库存的融资。通过采购订单融资、库存融资、信用证和结构性担保,我们的融资方案有助于满足买卖双方的需求。您还可以选择最佳途径,以充分利用出口融资。如需进一步了解我们的出口融资解决方案,联系我们!