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Your shoe business is growing exponentially. As an entrepreneur, you decide it is time to expand your business outside of your home country. Before you agree to terms on your first shipment, there are key components you should consider regarding exporting. Not only is understanding how the export process works essential, but you also need to know how international trade finance companies can help facilitate your success as an exporter.

Understanding the Export Process

To avoid possible problems in the allowance of your merchandise to foreign countries, it’s strongly recommended you know the rules and procedures of the country you are exporting to before shipping your merchandise. Also, it would benefit you to familiarize yourself with any entry requirements. These are specific to the commodity you are exporting as well as to other federal agencies you’re dealing with.

For example, most countries have specific definitions of how footwear is classified. When you classify footwear, it’s necessary to identify what type of shoe it is and any particular purpose it might have. Not adhering to these guidelines could have your shipment stopped at the point of entry—meaning you will lose money on the shipment, fees you may incur to get your product back and not to mention an upset buyer who is out a shipment of shoes. 

Once you have a primary understanding of the export process, you will want to price your exports appropriately.

Export Pricing for Success

Pricing your product correctly, giving accurate and complete quotations, selecting the terms of the sale, and choosing the payment method are four crucial elements in creating a profit from your shoe business. Of these elements, pricing may be the most challenging because of various market forces and pricing structures in other countries.

The key elements that determine a successful export pricing strategy include assessing your company’s foreign market objectives, competition, market demand, and product-related costs. Additional factors to examine are transportation, taxes and duties, insurance, sales commissions, and financing.

To assist you in developing an export pricing strategy, consider:

  • The type of market positioning or customer perception you want to convey for your company from its pricing structure.
  • The export price accurately reflects the quality of your products.
  • The price is competitive.
  • The type, if any, of discounts—such as cash, trade, quantity, and allowances such as trade-offs or advertising—your company offers its overseas customers.
  • Different pricing based on various market segments.
  • As your company’s costs increase or decrease, the available pricing options.
  • The demand for your footwear in the foreign market.

Once you have thoroughly examined these considerations, you will be able to determine if exporting is a financially viable option for you.

Ensuring the Success of Your Shoe Business with Tradewind

Once you have gone through the process of setting up your business for exporting, it’s time to find your customers and start shipping. There are a few issues that may arise once you start dealing with buyers. For example, you have a customer who has ordered product but will not pay until the merchandise is received. The problem is you must pay to have the goods shipped before you can receive payment. With your cash tied up in other parts of the business, this presents a significant issue for your growth.

However, Tradewind, a leading international trade finance company, can solve short-term cash flow issues with their export factoring services. Export factoring is a means to keep the business cycle flowing. When you ship goods to a customer who will not pay until shipment is received, Tradewind provides the funds needed so you can ship, and your client can receive, the shoes they ordered.

Tradewind Finance purchases your business’ accounts receivable for an advance of up to 95% of the full invoice value. Then, as your partner, they collect the total amount from your customer once the invoice reaches maturity. Once your buyer pays the total invoice in full, they send you the remaining balance. They also eliminate your trade risk through their non-recourse factoring services, providing you with credit protection to ensure your export business thrives.

Growing Your Business

Tradewind solves your cash flow issues when they arise, and you will have a local expert that can assist you in complying with the regulations of each country in which they operate. Tradewind is a partner that will grow alongside you, ensuring the bills are paid and thereby alleviating your concerns on this so you can concentrate on product development and other aspects of running your business.

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无追索权保理和有追索权保理是两种不同的保理融资方式,主要区别在于应收账款买方(债务人)不支付时,保理公司是否有权向企业(卖方)追讨未支付的款项。这两种保理方式在国际贸易中尤为重要,尤其是对于外贸企业来说,选择合适的保理方式可以有效管理资金流和风险。 1、风险承担方: 无追索权保理:保理公司承担买方(债务人)的信用风险。如果买方因破产或无力支付等原因未能偿还款项,保理公司无法向企业追偿损失。这意味着保理公司全权承担买方的信用风险。对于从事出口业务的企业来说,这种保理方式可以大大降低因买方违约而带来的风险。 有追索权保理:企业(卖方)承担最终风险。如果买方未能付款,保理公司有权要求企业偿还已融资的金额。也就是说,企业仍需承担买方不付款的风险。这种保理方式在国际贸易中较为常见,尤其适用于买方资信状况一般的情况。 2、融资成本: 无追索权保理:由于保理公司承担更大的风险,融资成本通常略高于有追索权保理。保理公司会根据买方信用状况设定相应的保理费或利率。 有追索权保理:融资成本相对较低,因为企业依然承担了买方不付款的风险,保理公司风险较小。 3、融资的预付款比例: 无追索权保理:因保理公司承担较大风险,预付款比率通常较低。 有追索权保理:考虑到保理公司承担的风险较小,一般而言,预付款比例更具灵活性。 4、适用对象: 无追索权保理:通常适用于资信较高的买方,因为保理公司需要承担较大的信用风险。对买方资信要求严格。


无追索权保理是一种保理融资方式,指的是保理公司在向企业(卖方)购买其应收账款并提供融资后,若买方(债务人)因信用风险(如破产或无力偿还)未能支付账款,保理公司无权向企业追讨这笔款项。简单来说,在无追索权保理中,保理公司承担了买方的信用风险,因此如果买方无法付款,损失将由保理公司承担,而不是企业。 无追索权保理的主要特点: 风险转移:企业(卖方)将买方的信用风险完全转移给保理公司,降低了因买方违约而造成的损失风险。保理公司负责承担应收账款的信用风险。 适用于信用良好的买方:由于无追索权保理对保理公司的风险较高,保理公司通常会对买方的资信状况进行严格评估,通常适用于买方信用较高的情形。 提高企业财务灵活性:无追索权保理可以将应收账款从企业的资产负债表中剔除,改善企业的财务状况和流动性。企业获得的资金可以用于进一步投资和运营,提高资金使用效率。 回款管理:保理公司通常还提供应收账款的催收和管理服务,帮助企业进行专业的回款管理,从而减少逾期风险和管理成本。 无追索权保理如何帮助外贸企业承担出口信用风险? 转移买方信用风险:在无追索权保理中,保理公司承担买方的信用风险。如果买方因财务困难、破产或其他原因无法付款,保理公司会向企业支付应收账款,企业无需承担损失。 覆盖政治风险:在出口贸易中,除了买方信用风险,还可能面临政治风险,例如外汇管制、战争、政府政策变化等。无追索权保理通常涵盖这些风险,确保企业在极端情况下仍能收到货款。 提供专业的买方信用评估:保理公司会对海外买方进行详细的信用评估,包括财务状况、支付历史、行业风险等。这帮助企业更好地了解买方的信用状况,降低交易风险。 保障现金流:通过无追索权保理,企业可以提前获得大部分应收账款(通常为80%-90%),避免因买方延迟付款或违约导致的现金流问题。 简化风险管理:企业无需自行管理出口信用风险,保理公司会负责监控买方的信用状况和还款能力,并在出现风险时及时采取措施。