Tradewind Finance Secures Export Factoring Facility for Furniture Manufacturer in Vietnam

Tradewind Finance, an international trade finance provider, has successfully closed a USD 970,000 export factoring facility for a furniture manufacturer in Vietnam. The facility, which was delivered with a quick turnaround time, has enabled the company to enhance its cash flow and support its growing export business in America and Asia.

With decades of experience in home design and furniture production, the manufacturer has built strong long-term relationships with global customers. However, when accepting more orders and developing its network of new customers, the self-financed company encountered cash flow challenges and financial pressure due to extended accounts receivable cycles, which became an obstacle to further growth.

To improve working capital efficiency, the manufacturer partnered with Tradewind, leveraging its on-the-ground support and 25 years of experience in cross-border trade finance. Through Tradewind’s customized export factoring solution, which includes a USD 970,000 credit facility and added credit protection, the company is able to overcome the financial bottleneck caused by unpaid invoices and reduce the credit risk in global trade.

“Unlike traditional financing, our non-collateral financing solution focuses on the creditworthiness of overseas buyers, offering flexibility and accessibility to exporters. We look forward to deepening our partnership and expanding the credit facility as their sales grow. Tradewind is committed to helping our clients achieve their financial goals and seize global market opportunities by unlocking cash flow tied up in their receivables,” said Dickson Au, Regional CEO – Far East, at Tradewind Hong Kong.

For more information about Tradewind’s financial solutions that enable businesses to grow, thrive, and conduct cross-border trade smoothly, please visit:

About Tradewind Finance

Founded in 2000, Tradewind Finance maintains a network of offices all over the world, including Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, India, Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, and the USA as well as the headquarters in Germany. Combining financing, credit protection, and collections into a single suite of trade finance products, Tradewind brings streamlined, flexible, and best-in-class services to the world’s exporters and importers.

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应收账款融资和票据融资都是企业常用的融资方式,但它们在融资标的、操作流程和适用场景上存在一些显著区别: 1、融资标的不同 应收账款融资:以企业的应收账款为融资基础,企业将尚未收回的货款(即应收账款)转让或质押给银行或金融机构,从而获得融资。应收账款融资是基于买卖合同中未来应收的款项。 票据融资:主要以企业持有的商业票据(如商业承兑汇票或银行承兑汇票)为融资标的。企业将票据转让或贴现给银行以获取资金。票据融资是基于现有票据的信用。 2、融资方式不同: 应收账款融资:包括保理、应收账款质押贷款等形式。企业可以转让应收账款给保理公司(有追索权或无追索权),或者以应收账款作抵押向银行申请贷款。 票据融资:主要方式是票据贴现和票据质押。票据贴现是企业将未到期的票据转让给银行,并获得票据面值减去贴现利息后的资金;票据质押则是企业以票据作为抵押,向银行申请贷款。 3、适用条件不同: 应收账款融资:适用于持有大量应收账款、且客户信誉较高的企业,尤其在赊销、分期付款的情况下,可通过应收账款融资获得流动资金。 票据融资:适用于持有票据的企业,尤其是持有银行承兑汇票等信用较高的票据,能迅速通过贴现或质押获取短期资金。 4、融资风险和成本: 应收账款融资:融资风险较高,因为应收账款存在坏账的可能性,银行会对买方资信情况进行严格评估。融资成本取决于应收账款的质量及买方的信用状况。