Tradewind Provides $5 Million Trade Finance Facility to Indian Textile Titan

Tradewind has funded an Indian textile titan with an export factoring facility in the amount of USD $5 million. The company, a manufacturer and exporter of ready-made garments including knits, woven goods, leather and accessories, mainly ships to the US and Europe, selling to big-name buyers such as Ann Taylor, Guess, and Sainsbury’s.

The client came to Tradewind with the goal of expanding its business, and required accelerated cash flow to do so. While the company’s funding sources were limited and carried high interest rates, Tradewind offered competitive pricing to finance its open account 60-day payment terms with its buyers. Tradewind was able to provide off-balance sheet funding, which helped bridge the working capital requirement gap.

The company is already taking additional orders from their buyers and as they expand, Tradewind will scale its funding in line with sales, an asset unavailable with traditional banks.

“We are pleased to announce the onboarding of an industry-leading client in India’s textile sector,” says Ankit Goel, Managing Director of Tradewind Intelligent Trade Finance Limited, UAE and India Operation. “The appeal of our non-recourse product within the Indian manufacturing community is promising and we look forward to tapping further potential in this segment.’’ 

Tradewind is an international trade finance group headquartered in Germany with 16 global offices. Tradewind works with SMEs worldwide to provide non-recourse factoring and supply chain financing. With over 150 employees located in 15 countries, speaking over 15 languages, our staff offers world class customer service and truly understands global trade.

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无追索权保理是一种保理融资方式,指的是保理公司在向企业(卖方)购买其应收账款并提供融资后,若买方(债务人)因信用风险(如破产或无力偿还)未能支付账款,保理公司无权向企业追讨这笔款项。简单来说,在无追索权保理中,保理公司承担了买方的信用风险,因此如果买方无法付款,损失将由保理公司承担,而不是企业。 无追索权保理的主要特点: 风险转移:企业(卖方)将买方的信用风险完全转移给保理公司,降低了因买方违约而造成的损失风险。保理公司负责承担应收账款的信用风险。 适用于信用良好的买方:由于无追索权保理对保理公司的风险较高,保理公司通常会对买方的资信状况进行严格评估,通常适用于买方信用较高的情形。 提高企业财务灵活性:无追索权保理可以将应收账款从企业的资产负债表中剔除,改善企业的财务状况和流动性。企业获得的资金可以用于进一步投资和运营,提高资金使用效率。 回款管理:保理公司通常还提供应收账款的催收和管理服务,帮助企业进行专业的回款管理,从而减少逾期风险和管理成本。 无追索权保理如何帮助外贸企业承担出口信用风险? 转移买方信用风险:在无追索权保理中,保理公司承担买方的信用风险。如果买方因财务困难、破产或其他原因无法付款,保理公司会向企业支付应收账款,企业无需承担损失。 覆盖政治风险:在出口贸易中,除了买方信用风险,还可能面临政治风险,例如外汇管制、战争、政府政策变化等。无追索权保理通常涵盖这些风险,确保企业在极端情况下仍能收到货款。 提供专业的买方信用评估:保理公司会对海外买方进行详细的信用评估,包括财务状况、支付历史、行业风险等。这帮助企业更好地了解买方的信用状况,降低交易风险。 保障现金流:通过无追索权保理,企业可以提前获得大部分应收账款(通常为80%-90%),避免因买方延迟付款或违约导致的现金流问题。 简化风险管理:企业无需自行管理出口信用风险,保理公司会负责监控买方的信用状况和还款能力,并在出现风险时及时采取措施。